GP Rating Institute

All pre-sea training and  other STCW courses of JAMS are approved by DirectorGeneral of Shipping, Ministry of shipping and Government of India. JAMS offer students comprehensive opportunities to occupy themselves with questions around their career planning in marine right from the beginning of their studies. JAMS is the Best Marine Engineering colleges in India in the southern part of Tamil Nadu to offer pre-sea courses for Rating & Officers and also justifying its commitment to marine.
This training programs aims at preparing the candidates to face their fortune and endurance, the hot ships of life at sea and to inspire in them a sense of devotion to duty, feeling of goodwill and comradeship which is essential for the life at sea.
JAMS is consider to be one of the Top 10 Marine college in india. In terms of being approval more no.of courses by Director General of Shipping who is responsible for maritime administration and for overseeing maritimeeducation and training in India. We also embody the requirement of IMOstandards (STCW 2010).


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