The Best Marine College

JAMS is of Green Campus enabled by the forest department of Tamil Nadu. To enhance in planting the sapling with recognition of collector of Tirunelveli Dist. Five thousand number of stapling with the help of Arasoor Poochikadu pantchayat planted in the proximity of  our college.
    It would be delighted to express our achievement recognition by the Director General of Shipping  that our college has achieved esteem result in G.P.Rating, awarded the enhancement of intake Capacity of 40 students approval for our merit as only one college in India who had achieved 100% result in Dec 2017 session. To add precious stone in beautifully the crown of our college “The Best Marine College” award was given to us by the Dhinakaran press. Even the foreign MTI delegates visited our college to audit of and recognition of center has awarded the best marine college for the ambiance, faculty member and the equipment in Nautical and Engine room labs.


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